Saturday, April 13, 2019

Starting The Day In Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands National Park, Green River Overlook. Utah.
Photo from Philip Armitage.

What a way to start off a beautiful spring day. The snow missed us here in Missouri this weekend, thankfully, and the high winds we have experienced over the last two days have finally abated. It will be time this afternoon to dig the road bike out of the shed and dust it off in preparation for the summer and fall rides out of doors.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the self-sustained cycling tour I planned is being rerouted due to massive flooding in our region. Three of the five sites I planned to cycle to and camp at are completely under water. It will take a lot of sunshine to dry up miles of water that is nearly thirty feet deep. I am trying to rework the route. But, I am resolved that this year's cycamping adventure may have to revert to a series of shorter disconnected journeys. That's okay.

Before I set to work on the outdoor bike, however, I'll take another tour on the indoor trainer, watching this new video from Jerry Nolan. What a gorgeous route this will be to ride. It's the Canyonlands National Park, Island in the Sky section. This is the first I heard of this location. It will definitely add it to my 'places to see' list. And, yes, the bike will be going along, too. Thank you, Mr. Nolan. Again, you've made a great video and I appreciate you sharing it with your YouTube followers and helping my day get off to a great start.

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